
Preventing Bed Sores in the Nursing Home Setting

 Posted on December 13, 2018 in Uncategorized

Blog ImageMaking the decision to put a loved one in a nursing home may be one of the hardest decisions that a family will ever make. The level of care that a loved one requires on a daily basis usually prompts such a decision by their family.

Sometimes, our loved ones become limited in their ability to move their upper and lower body. This may be as a result of age, effects from ailments such as a stroke, or general muscle weakness. Regardless, such limitations inherently affect an individual's ability to move around while in bed, as well as while getting in and out of bed. Consequently, when in a nursing home, individuals with such limitations require the help of nursing home staff to help them move on a regular basis.

While in bed, it is crucial that individuals who struggle to move, are helped to move from side to side and off the more bony parts of their body to avoid extended periods of pressure on those areas. Extended pressure on one particular area of the body can lead to skin breakdown, including the development of bedsores.

If your family member is in a nursing home and has trouble moving while in bed, it can help to speak with nursing staff to ensure a specific schedule is in place and being implemented to turn and reposition your loved one on a regular basis, usually, the standard being every two hours.

Ultimately, you as the family have the right to participate in the care and treatment of your loved one. If you have concerns, be sure to express them to not only the staff but also the Director of Nursing or even the Administrator. Then, be sure to follow up to ensure that your concerns were addressed.

The material and information contained on these pages and on any pages linked from these pages are intended to provide general information only and not legal advice. You should consult with an attorney licensed to practice in your jurisdiction before relying upon any of the information presented here.

By: Jared Reynolds, Nursing Home Abuse, Wrongful Death, and Personal Injury Attorney

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